The Adventure of Lisa Ann and Matt McGann: How A College Dude Got To Go To The AVN Awards With A Porn Star For Holding Up a GameDay Sign About Filling Her Holes

Everybody should remember this bro Matt McGann, we blogged about the story a couple times. Really a true fairy tale. Boy holds up sign on live TV at College GameDay with a metaphor about Baylor’s defense and a porn star’s bodily holes, Girl sees sign and Instagrams about it, Boy tweets her asking her on a date, Girl responds and accepts and takes him to the Adult Video News pornography awards. Exactly like what we all had on our bookshelves in our childhood bedrooms.


Anyway they just released a video chronicling the whole story and relationship, it’s worth a watch if you need an afternoon time killer. Or, you can just skip to what we’re all thinking of doing right now, checking out vintage Lisa Ann videos on Youjizz. Either or.

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